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Text reads: Enter the Green Room. Join the conversation backstage. Free Community.

The Green Room

Group Rules

💐 Be polite and courteous!

💐 Give more than you take.

As this is all very new, we are going to set up proper group rules over time. Basically it's not different to Facebook. Just be nice to each other, and build each other up, rather than tearing someone down. 

Above all: have fun! And never be shy to ask questions.

Welcome to the Green Room!

Welcome to the Green Room, the area where artists and actors usually hang out before their performance. And just like in a theatre or any other show, this is your space to relax, to chat, make friends, ask questions and hang out with a coffee.

Like in a public Facebook group, all posts can be seen, but you can only comment if you are logged into 'the vault'.

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