Fancy talking all things PR, publicity, media? Join my free community here!

Become a REGOGNISED expert!

You have all the knowledge.
You are (probably) the best in your field.
You are working hard and are on a mission to help people.

Your reach is limited.
Your impact is restricted.
You are not in the public eye.
You don't know where to start.
You think you don't have a story to tell.

I can help you become a publicly recognised expert whose name is automatically associated with your field of expertise.

Be the hero of your story and take centre-stage to receive the public recognition for your achievements you deserve. After all, all the world’s your stage and nobody should put Baby [you] in the corner, right?

My name is Elke Koessling, and I am a PR& Events strategist - and your secret weapon when it comes to public recognition. 
For close to 40 years I have worked in PR/Comms and Events, across continents and many sectors. Connecting dots and creating networks and opportunities is my speciality.

All the world's your stage - it's time to move out of the wings into the spotlight to standing ovations! 

Looking forward to getting to know you!


PS It's not showing OFF, it's showing UP. And you can do this, too.

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The Foyer: Welcome Hub

🎶 Willkommen * Bienvenue * Welcome 🎶 

It's about time you stepped up to the stage, out of the wings, into the spotlight centre-stage. Because all the world's YOUR stage. 

The Foyer is a hub where you'll find guides and resources and inspiration about how you, your business and your projects can become more visible to the world and receive the applause and recognition you deserve.

FREE Template for a Press Release

FREE General template for a Press Release to get you started with your PR.

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