Book your PR & Visibility VIP Day for 50% off - two places are available in January 🎉 This link will take you there!

Fed up with not receiving the recognition you deserve?

Hello my friend - I hear you. And more importantly: I SEE you!

⚡️You have all the knowledge.
⚡️You are (probably) the best in your field.
⚡️You are working hard and are on a mission to help people.

😫Your reach is limited.
😫Your impact is restricted.
😫You are not in the public eye.
😫You don't know where to start.
😫You think you don't have a story to tell.
😫You are fed up with being overlooked.
😫You swear you will never ever let someone else take credit for your work.

Enough is enough!

Now is the time to
⚡️ step out of the shadows;
⚡️ gain the recognition you deserve;
⚡️ get the tools & confidence to shine in the limelight.

My name is Elke Koessling, and I am a PR& Events strategist. 
For close to, ehem, 40 years I have worked in PR/Comms and Events, across continents and many sectors, from politicians to performers, bureaucrats to artists to chefs. 

And I can help you to step out into the limelight, with skills, confidence and pazzazz.
All the world's your stage - it's time to move out of the wings into the spotlight to standing ovations! 

Looking forward to getting to know you!

PS It's not showing OFF, it's showing UP. And you can do this, too.

Available Products

The Foyer: Welcome Hub

🎶 Willkommen * Bienvenue * Welcome 🎶 

It's about time you stepped up to the stage, out of the wings, into the spotlight centre-stage. Because all the world's YOUR stage. 

The Foyer is a hub where you'll find guides and resources and inspiration about how you, your business and your projects can become more visible to the world and receive the applause and recognition you deserve.

FREE Template for a Press Release

FREE General template for a Press Release to get you started with your PR.

Course: Write Press Releases which get your FEATURED in the Media!

Learn to define your news and write press releases which journalists pick up & get featured in mainstream media.

VIP Day - Your PR Strategy

You’re ready to have take your business into the spotlight, and you need someone to work out your PR Strategies with and for you. VIP Day - Your PR Strategy  is perfect for you if:

  • you want a quick and efficient process which is stress-free and drama free;

  • you want to gain expert status;

  • you want to have a clear path for getting your story out there;

  • you want to increase your reach, impact and income.

From finding your story, to defining your audience, identifying media contacts to sending out your press release - we do all this in ONE intensive day, with 90 days support from me.                                                                                                                                                               

You will receive all the information and tools you need to start promoting your business to the media.


Find out what we're up to and don't miss out on offers, new courses & plans.
Just join our mailing list and receive the latest updates in your inbox.

Book a free call

Book a call to have a chat about how we can help you to step into the limelight.

Exmoor Food Fest 2025

Are you a restaurant based on or close to Exmoor?

Sign up for the 10th anniversary of the Exmoor Food Fest which will take place during February 2025 across Exmoor, celebrating the best our region's hospitality sector has to offer. 
We are looking for 100 restaurants, pubs and tearooms to celebrate our anniversary with us. The sooner you sign up, the more exposure you'll get!

My Products Available Products
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