Book your PR & Visibility VIP Day for 50% off - three places have become available in August 🎉 This link will take you there!

Become an Exmoor4all Partner

We love working with local businesses and communities - together we can make a difference to people's lives on Exmoor (and help visitors to have the best experience). 

🦌 We reach locals AND visitors;

🦌 We regard you as a partner and want you to grow your business (and not just support ours);

🦌 We love networking and will always recommend our partners when talking to the media;

🦌 We use livestreams and interviews across our platforms to increase engagement;

🦌 We are not JUST as website - we are a community of like-minded people who love Exmoor. 

We understand that marketing budgets are limited.  But here at Exmoor4all we offer more than 'just' a listing on a website - we actively connect you with our followers on all our platforms. You become a partner in the knowledge that we will be your most loyal supporters - putting your name forward to media contacts, recommend you on Facebook and other social media, and we're always here if you have a question.

These are our current packages:

Bronze: £99.00 per year
A full page on with welcome post
🌟 Permission to promote yourself in our Facebook group once a month

Silver: £155.00
🌟 As above, plus a full page on our popular website 
🌟 One livestream on social media where you can introduce yourself and your business/organisation (this is a recorded event which means it can be used several times throughout the year).

Gold: £250.00 (Payment plan available) 
🌟 As above, plus:
🌟 Four dedicated blog posts on 
🌟 12 adverts in our regular newsletter
🌟 At least another five livestreams/ recordings, helping you to showcase your venue and/or products.

No matter what package you choose, you can have multiple photos and as much text as you like. If you want to add or change photos throughout the year, no problem. Text can also easily be amended. 
It goes without saying that we will share your social media posts (you'll have to tag @Exmoor4all though).

PS All packages are valid for 12 months. The subscription means that your price is locked in as long as Exmoor4all exists. Should you decide to cancel at some point and resubscribe, the price is likely to be higher.

Become an Exmoor4all Partner now

In 2022, Exmoor4all reached a whopping 5 million people worldwide across all platforms: 30,000 people are following our blog, our email list is growing steadily, and between 400,000 and a staggering 1 million people are reached by our Facebook page alone each month. Then there is Twitter and Instagram as well where our followers are also very engaged.

The Exmoor4all Facebook group has grown from 800 to 17,000 members over three years - and we love the 75% engagement rate.  

Exmoor4all also runs the popular Exmoor Food Fest. But you knew that, didn't you.

Your support as a partner and friend helps us to keep Exmoor4all going. And we are very grateful for this!

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Payment Options

 🥉 Bronze (one off payment)
 £99.00 GBP
 🥉 Bronze (annual subscription)
 £99.00 GBP  ( then £99.00 GBP a year )
 🥈Silver (one off payment)
 £155.00 GBP
 🥈Silver (annual subscription)
 £155.00 GBP  ( then £155.00 GBP a year )
 🥇 Gold (one off payment)
 £250.00 GBP
 🥇 Gold (annual subscription - get two months free)
 £250.00 GBP
 🥇 Gold (monthly payment)
 £25.00 GBP  ( then £25.00 GBP a month )

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